Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate. Its name derives from the Greek words rhodon meaning 'rose', and chroma meaning 'color'. Rhodochrosite is a common mineral. Dating back to the 13th century, this stone is nearly legendary. Argentina has been a key source for rhodochrosite since the 13th century, when Incas worked the silver mines and created beautiful pieces with the stone. The San Luis province in central Argentina has the oldest mines, and the rhodochrosite from there has been named Inca Rose. In the 1930's, fine grain banded rhodochrosite became a popular stone that was used to carve figurines. Today, rhodochrosite is still used for that purpose, along with carving pots and boxes, and making necklace beads, or other types of jewelry. It is a somewhat brittle stone however, so it is not usually used for pieces of jewelry to be worn everyday. Gem quality crystals are most often cut for collectors only. Collectors value most the tubular stalactic forms of rhodochrosite that are cut into cross-sections, which clearly display the beautiful concentric bands within the stone. Rhodochrosite is not imitated or produced synthetically.
Rhodochrosite derives its pink color from manganese. It is usually a vivid bright pink color, but can also be different shades of pink; rose, red, faded pink or slightly orange. Narrow bands within the stone are visible, and may be curved or slightly contorted. These bands can be pink and red or pink and white. Chemical alternation will turn rhodochrosite blackish or dull brownish. Rhodochrosite has a vitreous to pearly luster and rates a 4 on the hardness scale. It is often found where manganese, copper, silver and lead might be found, frequently in hydrothermal mineral veins. Associated minerals include calcite, ankerite, alabandite, rhodonite, bementite, fluorite, manganite,
quartz, galena, pyrite, and chalcopyrite. Rhodochrosite is distinguished from rhodonite, another similar pink manganese mineral, by its inferior hardness, as well as the brown or black crust it develops as a result of exposure to air.
Today, the primary sources of rhodochrosite are in the United States. Some of the best quality rhodochrosite however, comes from a cavern in Argentina, which has rhodochrosite stalactites and stalagmites. Beautiful deep red and clear rhodochrosite can be found in The Sweet Home Mine in Alma, Colorado. Fine pink and red rhodochrosite is found in Mount Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, in Canada, and fine transparent and banded varieties are found in the North Cape province in South Africa. Other mines are in Capillitas near Andalgala, in northwest Argentina; Pachuca, Hidalgo, in southern Mexico; Linopolis, Minas Gerais, in southeast Brazil; and in the Lima Department of Peru. Rhodochrosite is also found in various locations around Germany, Romania, France, Spain, and England. In the United States, it can be found in Cripple Creek, Colorado, as well as various locations around California, Oregon and New Jersey.
Rhodochrosite has many remedial attributes. It has been said to be able to reduce anxiety and stress, negative attitudes towards oneself, and painful emotions from the past. It stimulates activity, compassion, and understanding, helps stabilize emotions, and has always been known as a remedy for lung disorders and digestive problems. Rhodochrosite is a stone that promotes overall harmony.