Phenakite is a rare beryllium mineral that is not often used as a gemstone. Transparent phenakite crystals are sometimes faceted, however for the collectors only. The name phenakite comes from the Greek word phenakos, meaning to deceive or cheat. The stone was given this name because of its striking similarity to
quartz. In fact, phenakite was initially thought to be a variety of quartz, but after sometime, its crystal twinning was noticed to be quite distinct and now is the distinguishing property of the stone. Phenakite was first found in the early 19th century in
emerald mines in the Sverdlovskaya region in the eastern foothills of the Ural Mountains in Southern Russia. Today, it can still be found there in abundance.
Phenakite has been known to be confused with other stones such as diamonds, sapphires,
topaz and
beryl. Phenakite crystals come in colors ranging from colorless to white, pink, yellow and brown, and the crystals are hard and bright. Pink, brown, and yellow specimens may fade under sunlight within months of being extracted, so it is important to protect these stones from such exposure. Transparent, hard stones are the only type of phenakite that is ever faceted, despite their lack of color and fire. If a transparent phenakite is cut properly, it can have a beautiful silvery sheen. Normally, phenakite faceted for jewelry is faceted as brilliant cuts, but can also be mixed cuts. Translucent phenakite can also be cut to display a striking cat's eye effect. Phenakite crystals are usually rhombohedral. They can also sometimes be prismatic, showing wedge shaped ends.
Phenakite rates a 7.5 to 8 on the hardness scale. It is a vitreous and transparent to translucent stone with hexagonal symmetry. Phenakite is found as white or colorless tabular crystals or stubby prisms. The stone is usually found in cavities in granites and in granite pegmatites and mica schists. It is found in association with
beryl, chrysoberyl,
topaz, apatite,
quartz, albite, and mica. Phenakite also occurs in metamorphic rocks carrying beryl and in hydrothermal veins. Recently, a colorless phenakite pebble weighing 1470 carats was discovered in Sri Lanka and was cut into 569 carat ovals and other smaller stones. Good-sized colorless phenakite crystals have also been found in Minas Gerais, Brazil and Kragero, Norway. Phenakite is also found in Sri Lanka, Russia, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Switzerland, and in the United States in Colorado, El Paso county, and Carroll County, New Hampshire.
Phenakite has many remedial values. It balances energy, comforts, stabilizes, heals trauma and damage, offers energy protection, and enhances one's sense of the self. It has the power to show us what we have been missing in our lives. Furthermore, it shows us a new path for us to embark on, in order to fill those empty spaces to achieve happiness. Phenakite gets rid of negative emotions we may feel that in reality do nothing to help us. Emotions such as despair, denial, a desire for revenge, or a death wish are alleviated, and we are able to focus on finding a solution. With this stone, our problems become our teachers and we are able to teach ourselves a way out.