Jasper has a very long history. The stone was mentioned in the bible and other classical sources. Though it is a common stone today, Jasper used to be a very valuable. Between the 4th and 5th millenium, Jasper was used to make bow drills. It was one of the most loved gemstones of the ancient world. Archeological finds at the palace of Knosses on Minoan Crete, prove that jasper used to be used to produce seals all the way back in the year 1800 BC.
Jasper is one of the traditional birthstones for the month of March. The name "Jasper"" means ""spotted or speckled stone."" This can be traced back in the history to a few different languages, including Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Assyrian, Greek and Latin. Jasper is normally red due to its iron inclusions, but can also be found in white, black, orange, yellow, brown, green, banded, multicolored, and sometimes blue. Most Jasper is natural - the stones are not treated or enhanced, although occasionally they are dyed. Jasper has a vitreous luster and rates a 6.5-7 on the Moh's hardness scale. The stone is usually listed as opaque but really, it is slightly translucent. One can see this when thin chips of the stone are held up to the light."
Jasper is especially appealing when it is found with interesting, beautiful patterns on it. Often it is spotted, striped, or ringed. The patterns found on jasper are caused during the consolidation process. Water and/ or wind form flow and depositional patterns in the original sediment or volcanic ash, creating these lovely natural designs. Specific colors or patterns on Jasper are unique based upon where geographically, the stones are found.
Jasper is a mostly opaque variety of
chalcedony and can be highly polished and used for snuff boxes, seals and vases. The stone is also used for ornamentation or as a gemstone. As a gemstone, it is inexpensive and most commonly cut and polished into cabochons and used as beads in necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Jasper is also commonly carved into cameo pendants.
Jasper is a powerful healing stone. It is known to alleviate stress and eliminate all negative energy. It soothes the nerves, increases focus and positive thinking and heals injuries. The stone is also thought to promote the healing process during illness or hospitalization. Jasper is also known to aid in self-discipline, so it can be a great stone to have if one is struggling with addiction, including the task of dieting or quitting smoking. Jasper is also known to increase fertility and remove toxins from the body over time.