Enstatite belongs to the pyroxene family. The pyroxene family is a series of magnesium to iron-rich silicates. The name enstatite comes from the Greek word enstates, meaning opponent, a reference to the stone's refractory nature. There are a few varieties of enstatite. The bronze colored variety, which is weathered and has a sub metallic luster, is called bronzite. Chrome-enstatite, an
emerald green variety, is formed when traces of chromium are found inside the enstatite. These stones are faceted as gemstones and worn in jewelry. They are the most valuable form of enstatite. When a large amount of iron is present, the stone is called hypersthene. Some argue that hypersthene is its own individual mineral, however most agree that it is a variety of enstatite.
Enstatite varies in color from colorless to white, gray, various shades of brown, pale green, yellowish green, or an iron rich brownish green. It is most often pale green and can sometimes display white streaks. Enstatite crystals can occur as short prismatic crystals, but these are very rare. Most of the gems we see on the market are faceted from rolled pebbles. Enstatite rates a 5.5 on the hardness scale. It is brittle, with a vitreous to pearly luster, and has perfect cleavage. Enstatite is a stone that helps us discover what is truly important and essential in life. It helps us embark on our true life path.
Enstatite is usually found in areas where diamonds are mined. However, it also occurs in volcanic rocks and in stony meteorites. Enstatite is usually found in masses or in fibrous lamellar aggregates. It is found in association with olivine, phlogopite, clinopyroxene, diopside, spinel and pyrope. The stone is often found with kimberlites in South Africa. Brownish green enstatite comes mainly from Myanmar, Norway and the United States, in California. Enstatite can also be chatoyant, having a changeable luster similar to cat's eye. This form of enstatite is found in Sri Lanka and India.
Enstatite can be found all over the world. It occurs in Quebec, Canada; the Eifel Mountains, Rhineland-Palatinate, in western Germany; Snarum, Buskerud, in southern Norway, Swat Valley, Northwest Frontier Province, in Pakistan; Kola Peninsula, in northwest Russia: Ebmilipitiya, in southwest Sri Lanka, Mogok, Mandalay, in central Burma (Myanmar), Mbeye, in southwest Tanzania; and the Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall, in southwest England. Enstatite also occurs in various locations around Switzerland, Greenland, Scotland, and Japan. Locations in the United States include Brewster, New York, Boulder, Colorado, Webster, Jackson County, and Corundum Hill, Macon County, North Carolina, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Bare Hills, Maryland, and Whatcom County, Washington.