Danburite is relatively new to the market, being discovered fairly recently for gem history, in 1839. The stone was first discovered in the town of Danbury, in Fairfield County, Connecticut. The name danburite comes from the name of the town. Connecticut no longer has any sources of danburite, but the discovery of the stone there sparked many other discoveries of it throughout the world. Danburite is a calcium borosilicate. It is associated with
quartz, feldspar, cassiterite, dolomite and
Gem collectors are attracted to danburite because of its beautiful crystal clusters. Danburite can be colorless, yellow, white, lilac or pink. The colorless variety of danburite can be a great alternative to
diamond, however it becomes worn much sooner than a diamond, with a hardness rating only a 7 to 7.5 on the hardness scale. Danburite is a brittle and a transparent to translucent stone, with a vitreous to greasy luster. Stones are generally very bright, but lack fire. They are usually cut into brilliant, step, or mixed cuts. Danburite may be confused with colorless
topaz, as they look alike and are both found as wedge shaped prisms. The difference between the two stones lies in their cleavage. Danburite has poor cleavage while colorless topaz has perfect cleavage.
The most highly prized varieties of danburite come from San Luis Potosi, in north central Mexico. Gem quality crystals are also found in Myanmar, Mexico, Switzerland and Japan. Burma, the United States, the Czech Republic and Russia are also sites sources of danburite.
Danburite is considered to be a particularly good healing stone, especially the pink tinted varieties. Medically, danburite clears allergies, detoxifies the body, and helps various chronic conditions. It is extremely beneficial to those who have liver or gallbladder problems, and aids muscular and motor function as well. Danburite also has the ability to improve one's health by adding weight to the wearer's body where it is needed. Mentally, danburite is said to be excellent for meditation, serenity, and clearing the mind in general. It activates ones higher consciousness and intellect. It has been said that if one puts danburite under his pillow, he will have lucid dreams. Danburite also gives overall strength to the wearer, encouraging him in difficult times. The pink tinted varieties of danburite have strong links with love. They supposedly open one's heart and encourage the wearer to love himself, accessing a part of himself that has to do with unconditional love.