Early ideas about how precious stones were first formed are associated with the power of the gemstones' relationships with zodiac signs. In a piece of writing about the magic powers of gemstones, we read:
"The nature of the magnet is in the iron, and the nature of the iron is in the magnet, and the nature of both polar stars is in both iron and magnet, and hence the nature of the iron and the magnet is also in both polar stars, and since they are Martians, that is to say, their region belongs to Mars, so do both iron and magnet belong to Mars."""
The author goes on to write about a man and his corresponding relationship with any natural object or product he imagines. The author states that if the object is in a good relationship with the star under which the man was born, the said object will be of great use to the man. The author explains this close relationship between the stars and precious stones here:
"Metals and precious stones usually lie with their first seeds deep down in the earth and require continuous moisture and a mild heat. This they obtain through reflection of the sun and the other stars in the manifold movement of the heavensï¾… Therefore, also, the metals and precious stones are nearest related to the planets and their stars, since these influence them most potently and produce their peculiar qualities, for they are enduring and unchangeable and show therein their concordance (with the stars and the planets)."""
The author is saying that by the man wearing the particular stone related to his natal month, he will be blessed with great fortune. This fortune exists as a subtle yet powerful magic that has passed into the stone from the skies and radiates from it. The author then goes on to say that wearing many different stones at the same time will produce even more power. Because each stone has some sort of relationship with the person's zodiac sign, the stones would "have an influence similar to that exercised by several planets in conjunction- that is, grouped in the same 'house' or division of the heavens."""
This same idea exists with the gemstones dedicated to the guardian angels. With these stones, it was their sympathetic quality, more than their color and appearance that made them so special. These stones attracted the angel's influence and provided a medium for the transmission of these magic powers to the wearer. This whole theory was based on the idea of harmony, of the accord of certain ethereal vibrations- those of the visible light of the stars and planet or the "purely psychic emanations from the spiritual powers and principalities."""
Wearing an appropriate zodiacal gem was always believed to strengthen the influence of one's zodiacal sign. Wearing this gem also gave the wearer a medium for the transmission of the stellar influences. The gemstone thus became more than a symbol of the zodiac sign. This idea was also true of the stone of the saint and the holy guardian angel, who ruled the month set over those people who were born in that month. In every case, the color and shape of the stone attracted the favor of the angel or saint, who viewed the gemstone as a sign of respect from the wearer.
The old writers who wrote about the topic of gemstones always insisted on the idea that, while the image engraved on a stone was in itself inactive, the influence of the stars during the time in which the engraving was done, would give the engraving talismanic powers. If this was the case, and the timing was right, these engravings could be seen as signs of the zodiacal influence. With the bezoar stone, an antidote for all kinds of poisons, it was believed that the stone could cure a scorpion's bite if the stone were engraved with the figure of a scorpion during the time when the Scorpio constellation was in the sky.