Brazilianite was first found in 1944, in Minas Gerais, Brazil and was incorrectly assumed to be chrysoberyl. Later, U.S. mineralogist F.H. Pough realized the stone was a completely new mineral. F.H.Pough, along with his co-author E.P. Henderson, then named the mineral brazilianite after the location where it was first found. In 1947, brazilianite was discovered in New Hampshire at the G.H. Smith Mine at Newport, and at the Palermo Mine at Groton.
Brazilianite is prized by jewelers and collectors alike, for its beautiful, rare and unusual striking yellow crystals. The stone is a member of the phosphate group, and is considered more precious than the phosphate mineral apatite. It has been known to be confused with chrysoberyl,
beryl, apatite and
topaz. Brazilianite is a phosphate mix of sodium and aluminum. It is one of the hardest phosphate minerals, rating a 5.5 on the hardness scale. The stone has a vitreous luster and ranges in color from a pale, to strong and striking yellow-green. Stones can be transparent to translucent and display a weak pleochroism.
Brazilianite is normally cut for collectors only, as the crystals are fragile and brittle, therefore chip easily, breaking along the direction of cleavage. They are not suitable for everyday wear. Small crystals of brazilianite are sometimes cut for gemstones, faceted as cushion, baguette, brilliant, and oblong step cut gems. When cutting these stones, lapidaries must take great care. Brazilianite has been said to be a stone that comforts the wearer, and strengthens the wearer's trust in life. In turn, it brings the wearer a strong sense of self-confidence, and an ability to gain control over any difficult situations life may bring. Many people, when faced with difficult situations, choose to neglect their responsibilities, running away from the problem, and therefore not gaining the strength dealing with the issue might bring. Neglecting a problem is really neglecting ourselves, as well as our life tasks. Wearing brazilianite can help bring the strength needed to help the wearer get through difficult times and fulfill life goals.
Brazilianite is found in phosphate rich pegmatites. Crystals are either long and pointed, or short and columnar. In general, massive examples are extremely hard to find. The stone is found mostly in Brazil, near Conselheiro Peno and Linopolis, Minas Gerais, where crystals up to six inches have been found. Smaller crystals are found in the United States, mainly in New Hampshire. Brazilianite's associated minerals include mica,
quartz, feldspar, muscovite,
beryl, apatite, and tourmaline. As brazilianite is relatively new to the market, it is highly prized, but too new to be popular worldwide.