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Tektite Meaning, Powers and History

moldavite-gem.webp In 1787, the first tektites were found by the Moldau River in Czechoslovakia, hence their original name of "moldavites."" These stones had a beautiful green color. Other color varieties of this natural glass have since been found in many other places around the world."

tektite-origin-history-lore.webp There are several explanations as to the origins of the tektite stone. One theory is that tektites came to earth from outer space, melting as they passed through the atmosphere and thus forming their characteristic shape and surface texture. Another theory is that the impact of a large meteorite caused the surrounding rocks to melt and scatter, with cracks and scars, then appearing as they cooled. These pieces of natural glass became known as tektites. Because of its origins, tektite is quite rare, but is available at many specialist stores.

tektite-colors-meaning-powers.webp Tektites are amorphous glass, mainly composed of silicon dioxide. They do not contain the crystallites found in obsidian. Many tektite stones have characteristic inclusions of round or torpedo-shaped bubbles or honey like swirls. Tektites rate a 5 on the hardness scale and have a vitreous luster. Stones are usually translucent and their surfaces are usually uneven or rough, with a distinctive lumpy, jagged, or scarred texture, as a result of their violent arrival to earth. Tektites occur in a range of colors from different shades of green to brown. Transparent green material is the most suitable for faceting, while dark stones are rarely faceted.

moldavite-tektite-properties-history.webp Tektites are sometimes confused with diopside because of their green color. Moldavite, the most well known type of tektite, is black or dark brown or green. Tektites are now found all over the world and the different varieties of the stone are named after their places of origin. As mentioned above, moldavite occurs in the Moldau River in Czechoslovakia. The Moldau River is now the only known locality for green, transparent tektite. Tektites can also be found in Australia, the Middle East, the Far East, the Philippines, and other countries in Asia.

tektite-fertility-powers-meaning.webp Throughout time, tektites have been believed to bring good luck to those who are trying to bear children. They have traditionally been worn as talismans for fertility. The stone is believed to also balance male and female energies within the wearer. In Thailand, tektites are carved as small objects, and worn in the belief that the stone will protect the wearer from evil. Tektites have also been known to possess many healing powers. It is a stone that is thought to aid in grounding the wearer, ridding one of negative energy and bringing safety and security. It is said to be a stone that can help the wearer release negative past experiences, while remembering important lessons that were learned in life, and concentrating on those experiences for spiritual growth. It can also help one gain important insight into a situation.

tektite-space-meaning-powers-history.webp Because of its extraterrestrial origin, tektite is believed to enhance communication with other worlds, encouraging spiritual growth and forming a link between creative energy and matter. Physically, tektite is believed to aid the capillaries and circulation, reduce fever, and prevent the transmission of diseases. You may clean your tektite using ultrasonic cleaning, as it is usually safe with natural glass. Be sure however, to protect your tektite from high heat, sudden temperature changes, and situations where wearing the stone may cause it to get scratched.
